TLDR: Data Privacy Policy

A long and apropriate version is further down.
A German version is here.
Personal Information
Sebastian Weisgerber
Fort Rauch 56
66740 Saarlouis
+49 (0) 6831 165 84 88

Email: admin dystopianfuture . de

Yes, that's an At sign between admin and dystopianfuture, yes you have to type the email address without any spaces and manually.
Ja, das ist ein At-Zeichen zwischen admin und dystopianfuture, ja die Email muss ohne Leerzeichen von Hand abgetippt werden.
  • Visitor information (IP addresses, dates, browser user-agent, etc) gets logged on the servers of my provider: Netcup.
    Their Data-Privacy-Policy is here.
    Server-Logs get deleted after: 14 days.
    A contract for commissioned data processing with Netcup exists.
    I have no mechanisms in place that allows me to connect a real person with a visitor IP
    and in times of dynamic IP addresses this wouldn't be of much help anyways.
External Ressources

Data Privacy Policy - Long version

Name and Address of the controller

Controller, Responsible Person and Contact Person for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), other data protection laws applicable in Member states of the European Union and other provisions related to data protection is:

Sebastian Weisgerber
Fort Rauch 56
66740 Saarlouis
+49 (0) 6831 165 84 88

Email: admin dystopianfuture . de

Yes, that's an At sign between admin and dystopianfuture, yes you have to type the email address without any spaces and manually.
Ja, das ist ein At-Zeichen zwischen admin und dystopianfuture, ja die Email muss ohne Leerzeichen von Hand abgetippt werden.

Which Information do I ( collect?

Type 1: Visitor Information

This is the data I collect with my website at or a sub-page.
It gets collected from every visitor.
This information get's deleted after 14 days.

  • IP address of the computer/device that issues the request.
  • Date and time of the access.
  • Name and URL of the accessed file or website.
  • Website that linked to or a sub-page (Referrer-URL).
  • Browser and operating system of the of the computer/device that accesses or a sub-page.
Why do I collect this information?
  • To be able to to serve this website and provide it's content.
  • To be able to provide a smooth connection experience.
  • To be able to evaluate the system and web-server security and stability.
  • To be able to evaluate which sources link the most to or a sub-page.
  • To be able to evaluate which sub-page of is popular.
Who receives the collected information?
  • I (Sebastian Weisgerber)
  • My provider (because they host this website): Netcup
    Their Data-Privacy-Policy is here.
    Server-Logs get deleted after: 14 days.
    A contract for commissioned data processing with Netcup exists.

A transfer of your personal data to a third party only happens according to Art. 6(1) (GPDR).


No I don't set any cookies.

Integrated external Ressources & Third-Party Content (Data Privacy Policies & Opt-Out)

Due to legitimate interest (Art 6(1) lit. f) and to enhance my website's content, I include external Ressources from the following companies or service providers. At least your IP address can get submitted to them if you visit my pages, as well the informatiom listed in Type 1: Visitor Information in the text above.

External Ressources (Detailed Listing)
  • Only the information listed in Type 1: Visitor Information gets transmitted to:
    My provider Netcup — netcup GmbH, Daimlerstraße 25,76185 Karlsruhe, Germany
  • YouTube
    I embed YouTube videos in privacy friendly mode via
    YouTube Data Privacy Policy
    YouTube Opt-Out
    Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
  • Google
    I don't embed content from the domain directly, but YouTube is their product, so I list them here, too.
    Google Data Privacy Policy
    Google Opt-Out
    Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
External Ressources (Further Information)

Is use embedded videos from Youtube (a Google company). They are embedded in a privacy-friendly way.
Embedded videos load a preview image from YouTube's servers. The information listed aboved in Section Type 1: Visitor Information gets transmitted to YouTube's servers in this case.
If you click on embedded videos (marked by YouTube's source url below), the video is embedded and loaded in an <iframe> from YouTube's server in the No-Cookie mode from
Although no cookies are set this way, YouTube sets an ID and other information in the browser's Local Storage.
Please have a look at the corresponding Privacy Policies and Opt-Out pages of the companies for further information and to exert your opt-out rights.

Email Contact

Social Media &

My social media accounts are not integrated into this site in any way, but I link to them.
If you visit social media pages, look a their Data Privacy Policies for further information and opt-out possibilities.

Which rights do you have?

You as a visitor have the following rights:

  • The right to get a confirmation (Article 15 GDPR)
    if and how your data has been processed.
  • The right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR) of your personal data.
    You are allowed to correct and change the information that I collect.
  • The right to erasure (Article 17 GDPR) of your personal data.
    You can request the deletion of your personal data.
  • The right to restrict processing (Article 18 GDPR) of your personal data.
    You can restrict the further processing of your data.
  • The right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR)
    You have the right to receive a copy of your data.
  • The right to object (Article 21 GDPR)
    You can object to the (further) collection of your data.
  • The right to complain (Article 77 GDPR) at a supervisory authority.

If you want to exert any of your rights, you can contact me via my contact data:

Sebastian Weisgerber
Fort Rauch 56
66740 Saarlouis
+49 (0) 6831 165 84 88

Email: admin dystopianfuture . de

Yes, that's an At sign between admin and dystopianfuture, yes you have to type the email address without any spaces and manually.
Ja, das ist ein At-Zeichen zwischen admin und dystopianfuture, ja die Email muss ohne Leerzeichen von Hand abgetippt werden.

Right of Revocation

If your personal information gets handled based on legitimate interest (Art 6(1) lit. f), you have got the right to object (Article 21 GDPR) against the processing of your personal data, if reasons exist due to your personal situation or if you object against targeted advertising (which I don't do).
You have a general right to object against targeted advertising.
If you want to object or want to exert one of your right, an email the me is enough:

Sebastian Weisgerber
Fort Rauch 56
66740 Saarlouis
+49 (0) 6831 165 84 88

Email: admin dystopianfuture . de

Yes, that's an At sign between admin and dystopianfuture, yes you have to type the email address without any spaces and manually.
Ja, das ist ein At-Zeichen zwischen admin und dystopianfuture, ja die Email muss ohne Leerzeichen von Hand abgetippt werden.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

According to article 77 GDPR you have the right lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, if you consider the processing of your personal data infringes the GDPR regulation. You can file the complaint in the Member State of your habitual residence, but it can also be the place of the alleged infringement.

Security &

According to Article 32 GDPR and by taking technical state of the art, implementation cost and the risk of a data privacy violation into account, I have technical and organizational mechanisms in place, to ensure appropriate security of your data.


Starting from: 30.12.2018